When you buy GoodSAM—together, we are taking care of more than snack time.

We work directly with farmers so they can make up to 2x more income.

We invest in infrastructure, power, schools & sanitary systems in the areas that we source from.

We provide technical support for crops and processes for farmers.

We have created social programs for community morale and trust.

Loans & microloans

GoodSAM is now B Corp Certified


Direct Trade is a form of sourcing to build direct relationships with the farmers  and processors who sell their products. 

Direct trade is a mutually-beneficial and  transparent trade relationship with farmers and farm cooperatives. 

It is an  alternative to Fair Trade, which we believe can be limiting to both farmer and  producer.



SOMOS leads and fuels projects that foster development and impact, which are born from active listening with all of our partners, and work with rural communities that identify with our value proposition.

Educate. Co-create. Regenerate.

Somos, or ‘we are’, is a core belief at GoodSAM Foods. Without every stakeholder in supply, no organization or group can succeed.

Together, ‘we’ can.

Somos was created to build programs that enhance the lives and businesses of our farm partners around the globe and to support regenerative farming systems.

I am, because you are.

We believe that education is the key to success. We believe in having all stakeholder voices at the table. We believe that regenerative practices are the key for an evolved world.